Self Financed, Free from Politics & Smoking
College Code : 1375 | EIIN : 108207 | NU Code : 6438
Music Club

Music Club

Established: 01 July 1996

Slogan: Lively life with touch of tune and music

Founder Moderator/President: Syed Abdur Rob, Associate Professor, Department of Management

Moderator:Farhana Arjuman, Assistant Professor, Department of Management

Executive Committee Member: Ashikul Abir, Oritro Zaman, Sadia Islam Chobi and Jubaer Ibne Mahbub

Regular Activities: The club arranges 2 practice sessions each week. Besides, the club also performs on the occasion of prize giving ceremony of internal sports and cultural competition, annual sports competition, farewell of the examinees, international mother language day, independence day, victory day, etc.

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