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Best Performance of Dhaka Commerce College in Competitions of National Education Week at Thana Level

Best Performance of Dhaka Commerce College in Competitions of National Education Week at Thana Level

Dhaka Commerce College came out best in competitions of National Education Week 2023 at thana level (under Shah Ali Thana) in eight events. The prize giving ceremony of the competitions was held at Dhaka Education Board Laboratory School and College on 29 April 2024. Md. Asaduzzaman, the Principal of Dhaka Education Board Laboratory School and College, was the chief guest; Selina Alam, the Vice Principal of Government Bangla College and Nasrin Sultana, a former Headmaster of Mirpur Government High School, were the special guests of the program. Rabeya Shirin, the Secondary Education Officer of Shah Ali Thana presided over the program. Students and teachers of different schools, colleges and madrasas participated in the program.  

Dhaka Commerce College came out best in eight competitions including the best of the heads of institutions and the best student. Professor Dr. Md. Abu Masud, the Principal of Dhaka Commerce College, has become the best among heads of all educational institutions under Shah Ali Thana. Aditya Azam Mahi, a student of higher secondary level, achieved the position of the best student at college level. Other students of that level also achieved several other prestigious positions in competitions: Kowshik Bonik in Tagore’s songs, Pony Chakma in Nazrul’s songs and folk songs, and Ankita Mazumder in classic dance. Ehsanul Haque Fahim, an Honors fourth year student of Marketing Department came out victorious in English speech and extempore acting.

Moreover, on the same day, competitions of some events of National Education Week 2024 were also held. Some other competitors of Dhaka Commerce College came out victorious: students of higher secondary class namely Pinki Pru Marma in recitation, Mehzabin Aktar Othoi in folk dance and Jannatul Ferdous Elma in classic dance proved themselves best.

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